
Fri, 17 Mar
Torn Spain 1936 - 1939
Date et lieu
17 Mar 2017, 11:00 – 17 May 2017, 17:30
Perpignan, 24 rue Francois Rabelais, 66000 Perpignan, France
Infos de l'événement
The exhibition presents the most complete panorama possible of the Spanish Civil War, from the outbreak of the military uprising on July 17 and 18, 1936, until the final victory on April 1, 1939 of the Nationalist troops, led by General Francisco Franco, against the Republican forces.
This fratricidal conflict caused some 500,000 deaths 80 years ago and cut in two a country which then remained for nearly 40 years, until 1975, under the dictatorial regime of General Franco.
Often considered as a "prelude" to the Second World War, the war in Spain, fierce and cruel opposition between the "Two Spains", was also marked by foreign interventions in the fighting. Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy backed the insurgent military, while Stalin's USSR and the International Brigades backed the ruling Frente Popular in Madrid.
Showing the war on both sides, the exhibition presents the conflict in a didactic and educational way, with a chronological reminder of all these great events and protagonists: military putsch, defense of Madrid, Malraux squadron, Alcazar of Toledo, Guernica, great battles de Belchite, Teruel or the Ebro, International Brigades, German Condor Legion, murders of religious, revolution in Catalonia, Retirada, ...
It includes unpublished photos from the AFP archives, as well as shots from the Nothomb collection (Malraux squadron), from the collection of journalist Michel Lefebvre or from the recently published Spanish archives on the war.